While most causes of and conditions leading to post menopausal bleeding are benign, there is the possibility that other, more serious reasons are behind it. For one thing, there can already be cancer-causing abnormalities in your uterus or vagina which require medical investigation. Polyps, fibroids, and other growths are usually harmless but nevertheless need to be treated to stop the bleeding. To determine the real cause, a range of gynaecological tests involving trans-vaginal ultrasound, hysteroscopy, or even a biopsy can be done.
Perhaps the most common cause of post menopausal bleeding is the decline of estrogen levels leading to atrophic vaginitis. The lining of the vagina gets thinner, resulting in dryness and in painful intercourse. Also, lowered hormonal levels are responsible for endometrial atrophy, which results in the thinning of tissues lining the uterus and spontaneous bleeding or spotting.
Barring going for risky, side effects-laden hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which can actually be causing post menopausal bleeding in the first place, what can you do to address this inconvenient symptom? Lots of things; and the good news is, they can be safe, effective, inexpensive, and all-natural methods.
Keep calm and carry on. Not to oversimplify or understate post menopausal bleeding, but clinical studies have shown that this actually ties in pretty well with a woman’s anxiety levels and state of mind. Intense excitement, anger, depression, or anxiety have been known to cause spontaneous bleeding, especially among post menopausal females. So try to steer clear of emotional and psychological stress-inducing situations, and keep a positive and serene frame of mind at all times. As an added physical fitness bonus, try doing yoga and other exercises that can keep you centered and calm, and tone your muscles at the same time.
Make heat your friend. Hot flashes should be kept at bay during menopause and beyond, but to effectively address post menopausal bleeding, semi-hot baths, heating pads, and hot water bottles can actually help relieve discomfort. Take lukewarm baths as often as you can because they can aid in relaxing your muscles and alleviating aches temporarily. If some pain comes with the bleeding, you can place a hot water bottle or a heating pad on your lower back or abdomen while resting to ease you of it.
Frequently Asked Questions
My mom is bleeding after going threw menopause? Please help!!!!?
My mom is 48 and she has not had a period in about 2 years so she all ready done went threw menopause the dr’s said. About a week ago she started bleeding like she is having a period and it is very heavy and she keeps saying her boobs are really sore. She has a appt with the dr’s soon but not for another week because they are booked. What could be causing her to bleed like this? She does have fibroid ( She said this is how you spell it but I have no idea) in her uterus and could this be causing her to bleed very heavy? She keeps worrying and I would like to give her some answers…thanks
The best answer is if your mother starts bleeding too heavily, feels week, is dizzy, and real tired, you need to get her to the EMERGENCY ROOM. If you cannot drive, call an ambulance and STAY on the phone. Write the address down and put it by the phone. In a panic you tend to forget the simple stuff. Just don’ panic. This is only if you see those signs, or she has extreme pain. Good lookin out for your mom!
Why am I bleeding only after intercourse?
Usually right away or the next day, then it goes away. It never lasts long but it does concern me. I am going through Menopause and haven’t had a period since April this year, and only 2-3 periods the past couple of years previously. The spotting wouldn’t concern me so much if it wasn’t always after intercourse. I have had two recent pap smears and even an endometrial biopsy that turned up negative. The reason I had those done is because I was and still have intermittent pain in the cervix/uterus. My mother had extensive fibroid tumors in her uterus and I wondered if maybe I might have them as well and would that cause bleeding after sex? My doctors tell me to follow up if I have any more pain but when I do they tell me everything seems normal enough. Sure hope somebody out there has a clue as to what’s going on in there…
OH, and one more thing, with a certain position, I have extreme pain if a guy’s penis is long enough and hits the wrong spot (same spot every time causes me to yell out in pain, and have to change position.)
Yes, been checked for all of that…negatory!- ANSWER:
Bleeding during or after sex is not considered normal and therefore should be evaluated at all times. The only time bleeding during or after sex is considered normal in some cases is if you are having sexual intercourse for the first time.Some causes of vaginal bleeding after sex, such as vaginal dryness after menopause or in some cases by the use of certain types of birth control pills are not serious and may be easily treated.However, in some cases, vaginal bleeding after sex can be a sign of a serious underlying problem, including:* Inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis).
* Sexually transmitted diseases, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea.
* Cervical polyps.
* Cervical ectropion, a condition in which the cervical tissue is more susceptible to abrasion.
* Endometriosis or ovarian cysts.
* Pelvic inflammatory disease.
* Uterine fibroids.
* Cancer of the cervix, uterus or vagina.If you continue to experience bleeding during or after sex, I would recommend that you consult with your doctor/gynaecologist to see what they think could be causing this.Good luck 🙂
fibriod and perimenopause?
I (46) was diagnosed with a Fibroid last year /w severe bleeding cycle . My Gyn. put me on Yaz to shrink Fibroid and stop bleeding. After taking Yaz for 8 Months, I developed several bad symptoms and finally last week I had a TIA. My Primary Doc. now took me off Yaz. I’m Peri-menopause will my Fibroid give me severe Bleeding again?- ANSWER:
Can someone please share your experience on a partial hysterectomy..where they remove only the uterus?
Is there any bleeding after recovery? if you keep the ovaries what happens…do you get menopause symptoms? I’m 37 but have a uterine fibroid.- ANSWER:
Hysterectomy is nothing but removal of the uterus. Once your uterus is removed menopausal symptoms start setting in even if you keep the ovaries. At your age are you sure you do not want to add to your family or bear children in future. If so then this procedure will put an end to your chance of bearing kids. You have not mentioned the number of your tumors and its size. If your uterine tumors are small in size and numbers it is best to make use of remedies to shrink fibroids naturally. Natural treatment will give you permanent relief from fibroids without any side effects.http://ezinearticles.com/?Remedies-for-Shrinking-Fibroids-Naturally&id=5035182
fibroid treatment birth control pills?
Fibroid treatment options?
i just found that i have grapefruit sized fibroid. which is causing very high bleeding and very very long period, just last month i was passed condition where i was so anemic that doctor gave me like 10-12 bottles of IV infusion.
for the treatment of fibroid,doctor told me certain options.i am 33 years old and don’t have any children.if i want to get pregnant, then she would remove fibroid.
but if i don’t want pregnancy then doctor says, you will keep taking birth control pills and get artificial periods at the end of package. and she would not recommend me to remove fibroid, so does that mean i have to keep taking that pills till i reach to menopause?if i become pregnant, then after child is born.. what are the chances that fibroid comes back ? (i just dont want to become pregnant to remove fibroid)is it good idea to take birth control pills for such long time?
i am really scared of that side effects of birth control pills.please help me and guide me …

What Causes Fibroids To Bleed
Spotting During Menopause r There are many signs and symptoms of menopause and one of the main concerns that women have when they are going through menopause is spotting during menopause and is it normal or not. Well, to an extent menopause spotting is normal, after all your body is changing from going to have […]
Fibroids Heavy Periods
Uterine Fibroids and Heavy Periods Uterine fibroids and heavy periods often go hand in hand as this condition causes havoc with your normal monthly cycles. Very often, the bleeding is not only heavy, but may last for longer than a normal period (more than 8 days) or might happen in between cycles. Not only is […]
Uterine Fibroids And Bleeding
Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding is abnormal bleeding from the uterus, usually associated with ovulation failure, in the absence of other detectable organic lesions. This is usually seen in women between the age of twelve and forty-five. It is important to note that this diagnosis should be made, and treatment attempted for this condition, […]
Causes Of Irregular Bleeding
Abnormal Menstruation And Irregular Menstrual Bleeding Home Remedies A normal menstrual period lasts from 2 to 7 days. The normal cycle patterns can range from 21 to 35 days. When bleeding occurs that is not fraction of the regular cycle; period are longer or heavier than usual; occurs between periods; time flanked by periods is […]
Great post. I am dealing with some of these issues as well..
Thanks Shannan,
We hope you find it helpful.
I’m 64 and having spotting and cramping once a month, had an ultrasound and gynecologist saw two very small fibroids. I at one time had heavy bleeding from fibroids right before menopause and my Dr. Said they would shrink over time and so I didn’t have a hysterectomy. Now years later and still having spotting and cramping, wonder if I made the right decision?
These comments were left many years ago.
I’m 57. Went 10 months without a period. Started bleeding on and off in November.
Scheduled for a hysterectomy in 2 weeks.
Was looking for alternatives until I read Joyce’s comment. My fibroids are numerous and large.