Fibroids Weight Gain

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Women

Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women may begin as early as the late 20’s to the 40’s. Symptoms of hormone imbalance in women tend to increase as a woman ages, especially if ignored in the earlier years. Hormone imbalance symptoms can be any one or more of the following:

a Allergy symptoms a Depression, fatigue and anxiety a Endometriosis a Fibrocystic breasts a Hair loss and facial hair growth a Headaches, dizziness and foggy thinking a Low sex drive a Osteoporosis a PMS a Urinary tract infections and incontinence a Uterine fibroids a Weight gain, water retention and bloating a Wrinkly skin

Symptoms of hormone imbalance are caused primarily by the incorrect relationship between progesterone and estrogen levels in the body. The two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, exist in a delicate balance. Variations in that balance can have a dramatic effect on your health, resulting in symptoms of hormone imbalance. The amounts of these hormones that the woman’s body produces from month to month can vary, depending on factors such as stress, nutrition, exercise and most importantly — ovulation or the lack of ovulation.

In the first 10-12 days of the menstrual cycle, only estrogen is produced in the female body. If ovulation occurs, then progesterone is produced by the ovaries. On day 28 or so, levels of both hormones drop, resulting in menstruation. However, if ovulation did not occur, you can still have the menstrual period, but the estrogen is never “balanced” by progesterone, which needed ovulation to trigger its production. And this results in symptoms of hormone imbalance appearing — you have estrogen but progesterone production drops to very low levels.

In the industrialized countries, women take birth control pills, are exposed to household chemicals at home, car exhaust and other environmental xenoestrogens. In addition, women often have stressful lives, eat processed foods or skip meals, take synthetic estrogen HRT (hormone replacement therapy) and have hysterectomies. All these factors can add more estrogen to the female body, resulting in excess estrogen which will cause hormone imbalance symptoms.

How can a woman tell if she is experiencing hormone imbalance symptoms? An easy, fast and effective way is to take the online test provided by a leading womens health clinic for early signs of menopause and symptoms of hormone imbalance in women. The online test takes just a few minutes and is free. Learn more about your health, symptoms, what the symptoms are telling you and what to do about it based on your answers to important questions. Read more about hormone imbalance, estrogen dominance symptoms and physician-recommended natural treatments for eliminating the symptoms of hormone imbalance.

Copyright 2005 InfoSearch Publishing

Read more about symptoms of hormone imbalance and natural treatment. Olinda Rola is President of InfoSearch Publishing and webmaster of – visit the website, take the online women’s hormone health test and find information on a variety of women’s health issues.

Article Source: About the author Olinda RolaSource:

Frequently Asked Questions

    Can uterine fibroids cause weight gain?
    I have a follow up appt with my doctor on Friday to determine if he found uterine fibroids. I just wanted to know if weight gain is a side effect. I’ve noticed in the past year I have had some weight gain but I have not changed any part of my lifestyle including my diet. If anything I eat a little less and healthier. Does anyone know about this?

    • ANSWER:
      I think the fibroids in themselves can sometimes get quite large and heavy. It might also pay to get your ovaries investigated for Poly-cystic Ovary Syndrome, which can cause weight gain.

    Can Fibroids make you gain weight?

    • ANSWER:
      Not in most cases my mom went through the Same thing and she didn’t gainany weight exept she felt bloated and if u would press her stomach u would feel the tumor

    Does fibroids cause pain and weight gain?

    • ANSWER:
      Have a look here:

    do you usually gain weight if you have fibroids?
    I have a fibriod in my uterus, my doctor said my uterus is the size of a 12 week pregnancy ,I am going tues for a hysteroscopy and d/c will these procedures get rid of the fibroid or will i still have to have the hysterectomy

    • ANSWER:
      YES!! My Mom swelled up so badly! She lost a lot of the weight after she had her surgery. She opted of Embolization (sp?). They go in thru the artery in your leg & cauterize the viens feeding the fibriods. Her symptoms are gone!!!!! Don’t get a hysterectomy!!!! Good luck.

    Should I have a hysterectomy, I have fibroids/cysts. Will I gain weight?
    When I lie flat on my back, there is a bulge as big as a grapefruit below my belly button and I missed 2 periods in the last year.

    • ANSWER:
      Just to let you know that you don’t always have to have surgery. I too was told this and I research what my choices were because I had always been told that if you had this then you would have to have a hestertomy. But, unless they are causing you additional health problems or causing you pain, there is no reason for you to have them removed. Also if there is a reason why surgery needs to be considered there are other types of surgeries that involve them going in and removing the larger fibroids from inside the wall of the uterus. Reach search your condition on that is what I have always done.

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