Post Menopause Bleeding
Ble 00004000 eding after menopause may happen to some women. It may be because of the vagina getting dry and lost its elasticity as the estrogen level is decreasing. But it is not the normal symptom to get bleeding after menopause. Bleeding After Menopause is actually quite common and there is usually no reason to get overly worried if this happens. In most cases bleeding will occur because of the hormonal imbalance that is going on in the body, even if you are taking HRTs or natural supplements to help you manage your hormone levels. Another very important factor includes attitude and culture. We now know our thought processes have a major impact not only on our reaction to menopause, but our entire state of health and well being.
You might be getting scared because of what you’ve read so far. However, remember that getting informed is the best first step towards addressing a health-related issue.Just because some of the possible reasons for post menopause bleeding and other after-menopause symptoms are quite serious does not mean you automatically qualify under the “serious” condition.Typically, bleeding caused by endometrial cancer has certain characteristics. Women usually experience a watery, blood streaked flow, with the proportion of blood gradually increasing over time. This may be accompanied by pain whilst passing urine, pain in the pelvis and pain during sexual intercourse.
Post menopause vaginal bleeding can also accompany major weight loss as well as a significant amount of decrease in body fat. If a woman looses a lot of weight, for whatever reason, it is possible for her to endure this type of bleeding. Menopause can be and is an extremely difficult time in almost all women’s lives. The very thought of complicating all that with an unexpected pregnancy makes even that difficult situation even worse. Vaginal infections can also sometimes cause bleeding. Other causes could be fibroids or polyps. Your doctor may need to arrange for a specialist examination and tests to be carried out. This would be done by a gynecologist, who is an expert in women’s healthcare.
If the patient is suffering from excessive bleeding after menopause, then the examination of the pelvis region including vagina and cervix is a must. A Doctor will examine her by passing a small tube device through the cervix. The doctor may also ash her to take a complete scan of uterine. There are quite a few other causes of post menopausal bleeding other than those listed above When you visit a doctor he or she will carry out tests to discover the cause of the bleeding. It is possible to get rid of this symptom however not everyone experiences it. Due to the regular hormone changes, it isn’t unusual to have bleeding from time to time. Any menopause pain is generally associated with break through bleeding. When considering the real fact, you never have to undergo any special treatment to get relief from the post menopause symptoms. Healthy dieting and good procedural lifestyle will make you to stay out from post menopause.
Frequently Asked Questions
Post Menopause Abnormal Bleeding?
I have been post menopausal for 13 years. Two days ago I had abnormal vaginal bleeding. Cancer? Fibroids? Have you experienced this and if so, what did it turn out to be?-
Hi Virginia, You should definitely call your dr and tell him what is going on. I also am post menopausal and just started what seems like a period again. My last period was 18 months ago. I called my dr and talked to nurse and she asked if I was in pain as that would be a sign that you need to get to dr right away. I hope someone else also answers on what it could be.
menopause……or not???
Last year, I stopped having periods and was showing all signs of menopause..I was 43 at that time. I had an FSH lab test that showed I was post-menopausal…ok…no periods for over a year! last week, I started bleeding and the ob-gyn got me in the same day, ordered another FSH level done which showed that I was not in menopause…they did an ultrasound and endometrial biopsy yesterday and found like 4-6 fibroids and said I must not be menopausal now…What the hell? She had no explanation for it…opinions please!!
oh, by the way, they said since I have so many fibroids, they would like to just go ahead and remove the uterus, still waiting for the biopsy results though…my mother had endometrial cancer, hence the biopsy for me…-
Same thing for me. Menopause . And I beg you , DO NOT let them remove your ovaries. Have them remove the fibroid. I had fibroid also. They removed both ovaries ans life has been hell. I cannot take hormones because breast cancer runs in my family. Taking both of your ovaries will throw you into medically induced Menopause and like I said it is HELL.

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