Fibroids Make You Gain Weight? What’s The Truth About Fibroids?

Fibroids are benign uterine growths that occur in women of childbearing age. They’re often associated with menorrhagia (heavy menstrual bleeding), which can affect fertility. Some fibroids may also cause abdominal pain, pressure, or discomfort

What Are Fibroids?

Fibroids are noncancerous masses that develop inside the wall of the uterus. They’re usually found near the top of the uterus, where the endometrium (uterine lining) grows thicker than normal. Fibroids are common among women who’ve had children; they tend to appear after pregnancy and disappear when the baby is born.

Causes of Fibroids

There are several possible causes of fibroids. These include genetics, hormones, diet, lifestyle, and environmental factors.
The most common type of fibroid is called leiomyoma, which occurs when cells from the uterus grow abnormally. Other types include adenomyosis, which causes abnormal tissue growth in the endometrial lining; and submucosal fibroids, which develop beneath the mucous membrane covering the inner wall of the uterus.

Symptoms of Fibroids

If you have been diagnosed with fibroids, you might notice some symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain, irregular periods, and excessive menstrual bleeding.
If you’ve been experiencing heavy periods, bloating, or other symptoms related to fibroids, talk to your doctor about treatment options. There are several types of treatments available, including medication, surgery, and minimally invasive procedures such as endometrial ablation. Endometrial ablation involves removing tissue from inside the uterus using heat or electricity. The procedure is performed laparoscopically, meaning it’s done while you’re under general anesthesia.

Treatment Options for Fibroids

There are several treatment options available for women who suffer from fibroids. These treatments include medications, surgery, and natural remedies.
The most common treatment option for fibroids is surgery, although there are other options available. If you decide to undergo surgery, your doctor may recommend hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) or myomectomy (removal and/or destruction of one or more fibroid tumors). Hysterectomy is usually recommended if fibroids are causing heavy periods or pelvic pain. Myomectomy is typically performed if fibroids are large enough to interfere with normal functioning of the reproductive organs.

Prevention Tips for Fibroids

If you’re suffering from fibroids, you might not be able to prevent them completely. However, there are some things you can do to reduce the chances of developing fibroids.
If you’ve been diagnosed with fibroids, there’s good news: You can take steps to prevent them from growing larger and causing problems. The first step is to get tested for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). PCOS is a condition that causes irregular periods and infertility. Women who have PCOS are at greater risk for developing fibroids.

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