Comments on: Lupron And Fibroids Overcome your fibroids issues naturally Tue, 19 Jul 2022 10:31:28 +0000 hourly 1 By: joan Mon, 23 May 2016 19:18:36 +0000 i took lupron for 1 year and was so happy because the pain and heavy bleeding went away and my anemia ceased. the only thing is that at the end of every 3mth shot the pain would come in with a bang. i wanted to wean myself from it but couldnt stand the pain when the medicine wore off. I put on 40 pounds. I at the end of my 1 year and went today to get another injection .the doctor and I had hoped that it would kick me into menopause but it has not . It may but i havent let it wear off but 2weeks after the 3mths. I hope I can stand it this 3mth time around. so in the meantime i am walking on the treadmill to offset the weight gain. I am 51 and menopause seems to not be anywhere in sight. LOL

By: Jacqueline Todd Mon, 18 Nov 2013 20:44:13 +0000 Took a series of 4 lupron injections within a year. This was for abnormal heavy flow during my period. I was told this would speed up my menopause. 7 months later I had a period. My next period was 2 month later. The period are still the same heavy, with and without cramping. It is going on 19 months now just for my primary care Doctor to tell me according my thyriod lab work, I am not even in premenipausal stage. My labs the results of a woman in her 30s. I will be 55 next month.
