Comments on: Bleeding Fibroids In The Uterus Overcome your fibroids issues naturally Tue, 19 Jul 2022 10:42:33 +0000 hourly 1 By: Robin Frady Wed, 26 Feb 2014 02:36:43 +0000 I cured my severe fibroids by omitting ANY meat that had injected hormones in it. Fibroids are estrogen fed and they’ve been injecting that particular hormone in commercial meat for decades. See how our little girls are becoming woman much faster? It is related. My fibroids shrunk within 1 month and I had a reg. menstrual cycle my 2nd month. After 6 months, I decided to try to eat a steak at a popular steak house and the very next month…I had that horrible bleeding again. I have done this ‘experiment’ with different time frames (6 months, 8 months etc.) and it rings true every time. I eat that darn USDA meat and I get my fibroids back. I stop eating it and they diminish. I’ve also recommended to my daughter to quit eating fast food because she was suffering horrible cramping and clotting. She has stopped eating that crap and now has normal cycles as well. The solution is simple…stop eating synthetic hormones!
