Large Fibroids During Pregnancy

Having a Uterine Fibroid During Pregnancy – Getting Pregnant With Fibroids

Most women who have fibroids will have a normal pregnancy and birth. However, for a small number, a fibroid during pregnancy can cause difficulties. Contrary to popular belief, fibroids do not grow rapidly during pregnancy. Indeed, in many cases they actually shrink slightly and return to their pre-pregnancy size shortly after delivery.

Fibroids can cause uncomfortable and even painful feelings of pressure or heaviness as they push against nearby organs and can sometimes cause pain in the legs if they are pressing on a nerve. Rarely, a fibroid during pregnancy may begin to bleed, usually in the middle three months. Although painful , this will often settle and rarely requires any treatment. However, it can be very alarming for the woman concerned who may suspect a miscarriage.

Getting pregnant with fibroids can sometimes be a problem if you have a fibroid which is located at the entrance of either the fallopian tube or the cervix, as this can cause a blockage and prevent the sperm actually reaching the egg at all. Very often though, problems occur following implantation where having a larger uterine fibroid during pregnancy can cause an early miscarriage. This is often when a submucosal fibroid (one which develops just under the lining of the uterus) distorts the shape of the uterine cavity.

Woman with fibroids may also deliver their baby a couple of weeks earlier than normal and providing this is no more than 2 or 3 weeks, this is of little or no threat to the baby. Another problem which could occur is where a fibroid during pregnancy can lodge itself near the cervix, causing an obstruction during delivery.

If you are aware that you have fibroids and your pregnancy is in the planning stage, you may wish to consider ways to shrink your fibroids naturally. By using a comprehensive approach, many women have managed to get rid of their fibroids altogether by eliminating the root causes, thus giving themselves the best possible chance of a healthy and successful pregnancy.

To learn more about the impact of having a uterine fibroid during pregnancy and for details of the completely guaranteed 7 Step Plan for Shrinking Fibroids, you may be interested in visiting my website Shrink Fibroids There you will find comprehensive information about various treatments and solutions. You may also like to look at the dedicated page to the particular problems associated with getting pregnant with fibroids. You can find the details at this link Fibroids and Pregnancy

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