Fibroids Menorrhagia

Symptoms and Natural Remedies for Menorrhagia

Menorrhagia is characterized by heavy periods with excessive and prolonged bleeding. In normal menstrual cycles, bleeding lasts for an average 00004000 of 5 days, with less than 80ml of blood-loss. One is said to have menorrhagia, when monthly blood-loss is more than 80 ml or when menstruation lasts for more than 7 days. In menorrhagia, cycles can become very distressing and troublesome. In severe cases, the excessive blood-loss can result in gross anemia. Though the causes of menorrhagia can be many, it is the main symptom of a condition called Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB).

Menstrual bleeding is generally considered heavy if you:

soak one or more sanitary pads or tampons every hour

often need to use double protection

often need to change sanitary protection during the night

have menstrual periods that last longer than 7 days

have large blood clots in your menstrual flow

bleed so heavily that it interferes with your normal daily activities

The most common symptoms and signs of menorrhagia include:

Changing sanitary products every hour

Changing sanitary products during the night

Bleeding is prolonged – menstrual period lasts longer than seven days

Using double sanitary protection to control menstrual flow

Bleeding and spotting between menstrual periods

Continuous cramping during menstrual period

Short or irregular menstrual cycles

Bleeding or spotting during pregnancy

Heavy bleeding interferes with daily life

Fatigue, low energy levels and shortness of breath (anemia)

Help for Menorrhagia

Treatment options for menorrhagia are usually determined by the cause of the problem. Over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen may help to decrease blood flow and alleviate menstrual cramps. Your health practitioner may prescribe iron and folic supplements if you are anemic.

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Home Remedies for Menorrhagia

Hormonal birth control (low-dose oral contraceptive pill) may help to regulate your menstrual cycle and make periods lighter. Progesterone therapy may also be recommended if you are experiencing prolonged heavy bleeding. In cases where menorrhagia is severe, surgical options may be required. These procedures include a hysterectomy, endometrial ablation (intense ultrasound waves kill endometrial lining) or dilation and curettage (cervix is dilated and tissue is scraped from the lining of the uterus).

Natural remedies

Herbal and homeopathic remedies are a more natural alternative that can be used to regulate the menstrual cycle. These remedies are gentle and safe for the body’s system without the harsh side effects of conventional medications. Herbs such as Artemisia vulgaris and Capsella bursa-pastoris help to promote and support menstrual and hormonal health.

Calendula officinalis acts as a menstrual cycle regulator and provides a soothing effect while Viburnum opulus (Cramp Bark) helps to ease nervous tension and reduce menstrual cramps. In addition, homeopathic ingredients such as Calc. carb, Sepia and Belladonna promote normal menstrual flow and a balanced mood while China encourages healthy levels of iron in the blood and increases energy levels.

About the author: Womens Health
Natural Remedies and also more read on


Frequently Asked Questions

    If anyonr in here has Endometrisis, Anemia, Premenopause, Hemmorrhage, Fibroids, Menorrhagia, and etc…?
    Please tell me what it is and waht it can do to you!! I might have any thing like or similiar to those things and I need to know, Because I am very WORRY!

    • ANSWER:
      All the things you’ve asked about can be separate or you can have them overlapping or at the same time. So some definitions:
      1.Endometriosis- it’s a disease where menstrual tissue will wash backwards instead of outside, and will implant outside of the uterus causing pain, abnormal bleeding, etc.
      2.Anemia- disease causing fatigue, changes in the pallor of skin, physical strength, resistance to other disease, caused by lack of iron, or inheritance disease such as deformed red blood cells, or problems with the oxygen-carrying cells, among other reasons.
      3.Premenopause- now referred to Perimenopause-it’s the time before menopause where the ovaries are beginning to slow down, and women start to experience physical changes such as, menstrual changes of flow, amount,color,etc.
      4. Hemorrhage-excessive amount of bleeding resulting in volume of fluids in the body decreasing and causing health problems.
      5.Fibroid- fibrous tumors,usually benign, that can cause hemorrhage sometimes. If symptomatic treat, if non symptomatic, don’t treat.
      6.Menorrhage- hemorrhage (excessive volume) of menstrual blood.
      I’ve tried to keep the definitions as simple as possible so not to confuse you with medical terms. I hope this helps.

    What are the available medicine that could dissolve fibroids?
    On May 1, 2006 my transvaginal scan result shows that i have thickened endometrium and multiple uterine fibroids such as Posterior subserosal – 2.8×3.2 cm, Fundal 3.8×2.5 cm, anterior subserosal 1.8×1.5 cm, posterior myometrial 2.1×1.9 cm. The endometrium is thickened & heterogeneous & measures 18 mm. Both ovaries are normal in size. There is no evidence of any adnexal mass lesion. There is no free fluid in the POD.

    43 years old asian with a 19 yr old son (normal delivery). Working as an office administrator. No history of any problems in my reproduction system and neither have I suffered from menstrual problems. I have had D&C in Feb. 17 because of menorrhagia. Had my period in March 25 then suffered from heavy bleeding again.

    Gyne advised hysterectomy but i would like to seek other alternative. I read about the medicine Vitalzym. Is is effective.Any side-effects? Any other medicine alternative that I could take. What are the side effects of hysterectomy?

    • ANSWER:

    Menorrhagia and the Marina coil?
    Friend of mine, (mid forties), has really bad periods. They can last up to two weeks and she loses heavily. She also becomes very anxious.
    She has some fibroids.
    She has been offered the choce of the coil or the removal of the uterus. The medics can’t advise her as to which to have and she doesn’t know about any possible disadvantages of the coil.

    Has anybody had experience of this treatment? Anything, for or against would be helpful.

    I would like to express my thanks to everybody who took the time and trouble to respond to this question.

    Isn’t it heart warming to see people reaching out to others who are suffering?


    • ANSWER:
      Right, trying to piece together the facts: Marina coil:
      “it is made of a light, plastic, T-shaped frame with the stem of the ‘T’ a bit thicker than the rest. This stem contains a tiny storage system of a hormone called Levonorgestrel. This hormone is also used in contraceptive pills such as Eugynon, Logynon, Microgynon, Ovran 30, Ovranette and Trinordial. In the Mirena, however, a much lower dose is released than when you take the Pill (about 1/7th strength), and it goes directly to the lining of the womb, rather than through the blood stream where it may lead to the common progesterone-type side effects (see below).”

      Levonelle one step tablets (the morning after pill) also contain the active ingredient levonorgestrel. Dont know the dose but it sounds quite strong, you’d probably want to try progesterone pills before implanting one in you, anyway, goodle comes up with lots of bad things about marina coil.

      Anyway, with those symptoms you describe i would REALLY recommend trying the pill Micronor/ Norethisterone. It stopped my periods & was the only thing that could control my period anxiety (which was incidently caused by raising estrogen levels). It saved my life at the time. cant praise it enough, this way they can try progesterone without having something implanted, if its not right its easier to stop taking.

    Heavy period?
    What is the association between fibroids and menorrhagia?

    • ANSWER:
      dont know…

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