Fibroid Surgery Recovery

Vulvar Cancer Surgery Recovery Time

Vulvar cancer treatment depends greatly on the cancer types, location on vulva and diagnosis stage. It would also depend on the age of the patient and overall health. Main treatment forms include vulvar cancer surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Vulvar cancer surgery recovery time too depends on various important factors like health of the patient, age, lifestyle and dietary habits after surgery. Normally the surgeon who performs the surgery on the patient would try to remove only the affected vulvar area in order to preserve the sexual function of women as much as possible.

Laser surgery is used for burning only the abnormal or cancerous cell layer that it is not very useful for treating invasive cancer but useful to treat the intraepithelial neoplasia of the vulva. Excision also known as wide local excision helps in removing the cancer and a smaller part of normal cells surrounding it. Vulvectomy is a procedure which is used for removing only a part or complete vulva and the tissues underlying it.

Partial radical vulvectomy is used for removing a part of vulva and underlying tissue. Entire vulva and clitoris is removed in complete vulvectomy. The sexual function hence would depend on the extent to which the vulva of women is removed. Pelvic exenteration is a kind of extensive procedure which includes pelvic lymph node removal and vulvectomy which involves removing one or more parts like rectum, bladder, vagina, lower colon, cervix and uterus. Vulvar cancer surgery recovery time would also depend on the type of surgery done. For instance the extensive surgical procedure might take more recovery time than the laser surgery.

Even though the cause of vulvar cancer is not known, some risk factors are associated or said to be the contributors of the disease. Some of prevention methods include usage of condoms during intercourse, regular checkup for the physical wellbeing and also to check if the disease is present or not, to undergo regular pelvic examinations and pap tests, quit smoking, delayed sexual activity onset and many more. Some of the risk factors that are believed to cause vulvar cancer include women over fifty years, vulvar inflammation of chronic nature, HPV, HIV, lichen sclerosus, lower socio economic status, atypical moles or melanoma, smoking, genital cancers and VIN. Even though VIN or vulvar intraepithelial neoplasia is said to enhance the vulvar cancer risk in women they might not progress to form cancer. Vulvar cancer surgery recovery time is very less in women with good confidence and courage when compared to women who lack them.

Natural Remedies for Curing Cancer:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed in

About the Author:
Improve your survival chances to a great extent. Beat the deadly disease with the help of natural remedies. Visit the promising natural cure for cancer to get rid of the killer disease completely.


Frequently Asked Questions

    how long does it to recovery from myomectomy fibroid surgery?
    My fibroids are 8 cm & 2 cm and I am currenty scheduled for a myomectomy surgery. Is this the size required to have surgery, just wondering…..

    • ANSWER:
      I jus had a myomectomy 11 days ago, my fibroids were 6 & 4 cm, I had it done because I had lots of pain and I want to have kids, the decision is yours, if you don’t have symptoms or any problem with your fibriods you are fine, but remember that they grow rapidly , you don’t want to wait for that.
      My recovery is going very smooth, I haven’t had any complications and I feel fine. Can’t wait to try to get pregnant.

    6x6x8 cm fibroid. RE says best odds for successful pregnancy is removal. Full abdom surgery, 6 wk recovery req
    We’ve been trying for over a year to conceive. One chemical pregnancy. Second opinion confirms that best chance is removal as fibroid could conflict with lining of utereus and therefore cause implantation issues or even miscarriage, e.g. chemical pregnancy could have been fibroid related. The surgery would be painful, and the recovery long. I work full-time.

    What would you do?
    A chemical pregnancy means that the egg and sperm met, and the zygote implanted into the endometrium producing the chemical of pregnancy: HCG. However, something was wrong. It could be that the sperm or egg was genetically flawed. It could also mean the endometrium at the site of implantation was poor.

    The location of my fibriod, top back of the utereus in the muscle wall itself, means that a full c-section type surgery is necessary for safe and effective removal.

    FMLA will guarantee that I still have a job. Insurance should pay for the majority of the surgery. It’s just the thought of doing all this hard work, and still holding a live infant that’s mine. But I guess nothing has ever been easy for me or DH.

    • ANSWER:
      Fibroids usually occur within the uterine wall, and if large enough can distort the uterus. Removal of them often depends on what problems they are causing, pain, excess bleeding, etc. If you are going to have surgery simply to become pregnant, consider that fibroids often return. Have you asked your Dr. to do a Laporoscopy, to see what condition your uterus is in, whether the fibroids are intruding. Consult a fertility specialist and get his opinion. You will need to have it removed sooner or later, estrogen, which is released by the ovaries make them grow.
      Keep in mind 6 week recovery is average. BUT it takes the body a year to return to normal after surgery.
      Your Dr. is right that getting pregnant is not your problem, it’s staying pregnant. The fibroids may be stopping the egg from implanting itself What is a CHEMICAL pregnancy?? I’ve never heard of such a thing.. I am surprised that your Dr. wants to remove them by abdominal surgery. There are Dr’s who do the surgery by entering through the vagina, It reduces recovery time and pain. You might want to look into that.

    How big is the scar from a myomectomy fibroid surgery?
    I will be having myomectomy surgery sometime in August. Fibroids are 8cm and 2cm. I am worried about the scar and the recovery period. thanks

    • ANSWER:
      I had mayomactomy in 2005 to remove 28 fibroids. My scar is as big a c-section surgery, about 6 inches. I think as you have only 2 fibroids, you may have a smaller scar.

    Fibroid removal surgery question?
    My wife is have surgery coming up to remove a fibroid on her uterus, I am wondering if I could get somebody to let me know what to expect recovery-wise. I am wondering how long it will be for her until she is able to move around with just moderate discomfort and how long, typically, a person having this surgery would need 24 hr assistance. I am wondering approx. how long a person would need before they could be home alone following the surgery. I know that every patient’s recovery is different, Im just looking for generally. Thanks.

    • ANSWER:
      The recovery time depends on the kind of surgery your wife is having. If she is having open abdominal surgery, she will need 24 hr assistance the first few days. The recovery time is 5-6 weeks but she will be able to move around with moderate discomfort in about 1 week.

    Fibroid surgery and pregnancy?
    I just lost a baby at 5 months due to a big fibroid. my only chance of concieving now is to have the fibroid removd. has anybody had that done before? what are the risk? how long is recovery time? will i be able to get pregnant again with no problems? please help..

    • ANSWER:
      Hi. First I want to say how sorry I am for your loss. I know it is not easy as I too have lost a baby. But I had an ectopic (tubal pregnancy).
      After we lost our baby, my hubby and I tried for 13 months to get pregnant. I underwent several tests and was told that I had several fibroids and polyps that required surgery. The month before I was do to have my surgery, I got pregnant with our miracle baby. I didn’t have the surgery, but I was high risk through out my pregnancy.
      I would say go ahead with the surgery. It will help with your next pregnancy as there will be room in your uterus and nothing to interfer with your baby’s growth.

      Hugs to you and my thoughts and prayers are with you.


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